Build a simple mathematical expression parser in Rust

Yo guys .. here i wanna share how to build a simple math expression in rust 

this is a simple functional in rust

use super::parse_data::*;
use Option::{None, Some};
use Token::*;
use TokenizationError::*;
use crate::parser::parse_data::EvaluationError::{DivideByZero, SymbolValueMismatch, TrailingSymbolsOrValues, UnknownSymbol}; pub fn tokenize_string(equation: &String) -> Result<Vec<Token>, TokenizationError> {
let mut token_vec: Vec<Token> = Vec::new();
let mut value_being_built: Option<i32> = None; for character in equation.chars() {
match character {
'0'..='9' => value_being_built = match value_being_built {
Some(current_value) => Some(current_value * 10 + (character as i32 - '0' as i32)),
None => Some(character as i32 - '0' as i32)
'+' | '-' | '*' | '/' => {
if let Some(constructed_value) = value_being_built {
value_being_built = None;
} match character {
'+' => token_vec.push(Symbol(ADD)),
'-' => token_vec.push(Symbol(SUBTRACT)),
'*' => token_vec.push(Symbol(MULTIPLY)),
'/' => token_vec.push(Symbol(DIVIDE)),
_ => unreachable!()
_ => return Err(BadToken { token: character })
} if let Some(constructed_value) = value_being_built {
} else {
return Err(EndOnInfixSymbol)
} Ok(token_vec)
} pub fn evaluate_expression(expression: &Vec<Token>) -> Result<i32, EvaluationError> {
let mut value_stack: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
let mut symbol_stack: Vec<&SymbolData> = Vec::new(); for token in expression {
match token {
Value(raw_value) => value_stack.push(raw_value.clone()),
Symbol(symbol_value) => {
loop {
// If there's a symbol on the stack we need to deal with that
if let Some(top_symbol) = symbol_stack.last() {
// When the symbol we're currently encountering has a greater or equal precedence, evaluate it
if top_symbol.precedence >= symbol_value.precedence {
execute_symbol(&mut value_stack, &mut symbol_stack)?;
} else {
// Otherwise just push the symbol and move on
} else {
// Otherwise we can just drop the symbol onto the stack and move on
} // Execute any remaining symbols
while !symbol_stack.is_empty() {
execute_symbol(&mut value_stack, &mut symbol_stack)?;
} let final_value = value_stack.pop(); if !value_stack.is_empty() || !symbol_stack.is_empty() {
Err(TrailingSymbolsOrValues { leftover_values: value_stack.len(), leftover_symbols: symbol_stack.len() })
} else {
} fn execute_symbol(value_stack: &mut Vec<i32>, symbol_stack: &mut Vec<&SymbolData>) -> Result<(), EvaluationError> {
let second_value = value_stack.pop().ok_or_else(|| SymbolValueMismatch)?;
let first_value = value_stack.pop().ok_or_else(|| SymbolValueMismatch)?;
let the_top_symbol = symbol_stack.pop().unwrap(); match *the_top_symbol {
ADD => value_stack.push(first_value + second_value),
SUBTRACT => value_stack.push(first_value - second_value),
MULTIPLY => value_stack.push(first_value * second_value),
if second_value == 0 {
return Err(DivideByZero);
value_stack.push(first_value / second_value);
_ => return Err(UnknownSymbol(the_top_symbol.clone())),
} Ok(())

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